COVID-19 Vaccine Group - September 2023 Onwards

COVID-19 Vaccine Group - September 2023 Onwards

This page specifies the COVID-19 logic implemented by ICE for recommendations from September 12, 2023, onward. For COVID-19 logic for recommendations before September 12, 2023, see COVID-19 Vaccine Group - Prior to September 12, 2023

Table of Contents

COVID-19 Vaccine Group Evaluation and Forecasting Rules

General Rules for COVID-19

General rules are not series-specific; general rules apply to the entire vaccine group.

General Evaluation and Recommendation Rules

Rules Based on Date

  • Shots administered prior to 9/12/2023 are evaluated according to the logic specified on COVID-19 Vaccine Group - Prior to September 12, 2023with the following exceptions:
    • If an updated Sept 2023 Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (CVX 308, CVX 309, CVX 310, CVX 311, CVX 312) is administered prior to 9/12/2023, evaluate as Invalid with reason code VACCINE_NOT_YET_AVAILABLE_ON_DATE_SPECIFIED.
    • If an updated Sept 2023 Novavax (CVX 313) is administered prior to 10/4/2023, evaluate as Invalid with reason code VACCINE_NOT_YET_AVAILABLE_ON_DATE_SPECIFIED.

Recommendation Rules

  • The recommended date for each of the series will be 9/12/2023 or later, following series intervals based on patient history.
  • If the patient has no COVID-19 shots on record, recommend at 6 months of age or 9/12/2023, whichever date is later.

Prior Formulation of COVID-19 Vaccine Administered on or after 9/12/2023  

  • If a prior formulation of a COVID-19 vaccine, excluding CVX 211, is administered on or after 9/12/2023, then the Evaluation is Invalid and the reason code is VACCINE_NOT_ALLOWED.
    • If administered as target dose 1 (for any Sept 2023 COVID-19 Series), recommended target dose 1 at shot date + 28 days, absolute minimum interval = 24 days.
    • If administered as other than target dose 1 (for any Sept 2023 COVID-19 Series), follow series intervals.
  • If the prior formulation of Novavax (CVX 211) is administered on or after 10/4/2023, then the Evaluation is Invalid and reason code is VACCINE_NOT_ALLOWED.
  • Notes: If applicable, evaluation reason codes in addition to VACCINE_NOT_ALLOWED will also be returned. Per ICE General Rule "Evaluation of Shots Administered after Series is Complete," shots administered after series completion will have an evaluation of Accepted / EXTRA_DOSE. 

Rules for Recommending at the CVX Code vs. Vaccine Group Level

  • When recommending in the Sept 2023 COVID-19 Series (>= 5 years), the Sept 2023 Pfizer COVID-19 Series (< 5 years), the Sept 2023 Moderna COVID-19 Series (< 5 years), the Sept 2023 Mixed Product COVID-19 Series (< 5 years), or the Sept 2023 Novavax COVID-19 Series, recommend at the vaccine group level. 

COVID-19 Vaccines

This table lists updated vaccines that came on to the market since September 2023 and vaccines that are relevant to evaluation and forecasting on or after 9/12/2023. Notes:

  • Updated Sept 2023 COVID-19 vaccines include the following CVX codes: CVX 308, CVX 309, CVX 310, CVX 311, CVX 312, and CVX 313.
  • Prior formulations of COVID-19 vaccines include the following CVX codes include: CVX 207, CVX 208, CVX 210, CVX 211, CVX 212, CVX 213, CVX 217, CVX 218, CVX 219, CVX 221, CVX 227, CVX 228, CVX 229, CVX 230, CVX 300, CVX 301, CVX 302, CVX 500, CVX 501, CVX 502, CVX 503, CVX 504, CVX 505, CVX 506, CVX 507, CVX 508, CVX 509, CVX 510, CVX 511, CVX 512, CVX 519, CVX 520, and CVX 521. 
  • Prior formulations of COVID-19 vaccines that may have been Valid prior to 9/12/2023 include: CVX 207, CVX 208, CVX 210, CVX 211, CVX 212, CVX 213, CVX 217, CVX 218, CVX 219, CVX 221, CVX 227, CVX 228, CVX 229, CVX 230, CVX 300, CVX 301, CVX 302, CVX 502, CVX 510, CVX 511, CVX 512, CVX 519, and CVX 520.
  • For the table of COVID-19 vaccines prior to September 12, 2023, please see COVID-19 Vaccine Group - Prior to September 12, 2023

CVX Code


Absolute Minimum AgeAbsolute Maximum Age

Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine

12 years - 4 days

213SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) vaccine, UNSPECIFIED6 months - 4 days

COVID-19, XBB.1.5, mRNA, LNP-S, PF, tris-sucrose, 6 mos-4 yrs, Pfizer

6 months - 4 days

5 years - 1 day,
see series special rules for exceptions

COVID-19, XBB.1.5, mRNA, LNP-S, PF, tris-sucrose, 12+ yrs, Pfizer

6 months - 4 days


COVID-19, XBB.1.5, mRNA, LNP-S, PF, tris-sucrose, 5-11 yrs, Pfizer

6 months - 4 days

12 years - 1 day

COVID-19, XBB.1.5, mRNA, LNP-S, PF, 6 mos-11 yrs, Moderna

6 months - 4 days12 years - 1 day

COVID-19, XBB.1.5, mRNA, LNP-S, PF, 12+ yrs, Moderna

6 months - 4 days
313COVID-19, XBB.1.5, subunit, rS-nanoparticle, adjuvanted, PF, 12+ yrs, Novavax6 months - 4 days

Combination Vaccines that Include COVID-19

No combination vaccines exist, at this time, that include COVID-19 and count toward completion of the COVID-19 series.

CVX Code Specific Rules

CVX Code Absolute Minimum Age

CVX Code Absolute Maximum Age

  • If one of the CVX codes in the table above is administered above the absolute maximum age for that CVX code, then the Evaluation is Invalid and the reason code is ABOVE_MAXIMUM_AGE_VACCINE, per the ICE General Rule "Evaluation of Shots Above the Vaccine Code Absolute Maximum Age."

    • There is no interval required between the Invalid shot and the next target dose. 

Immunization Series and Selection Rules

Series Name

  • Sept 2023 COVID-19 Series (>= 5 years)
  • Sept 2023 Pfizer COVID-19 Series  (< 5 years)
  • Sept 2023 Moderna COVID-19 Series  (< 5 years)

  • Sept 2023 Mixed Product COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)

  • Sept 2023 Novavax COVID-19 Series

Series Selection Rules

The rules for determining which series applies are: 

  • To determine if a < 5 years series applies: 
    • If: 
      • the patient is < 5 years of age as of the evaluation date,
      • OR
      • the patient is >= 5 years of age as of the evaluation date and one of the following is true:
        • if there is a shot administered in the current season (i.e., 9/12/2023 or later) at < 5 years of age,
        • or in the prior season (i.e., before 9/12/2023): >= 1 dose was administered at < 5 years of age and the prior season primary series is not complete,
    • Then a < 5 years series applies. The rules for determining the < 5 years series are as follows: 
      • if all the prior season doses (if any) are a Moderna vaccine (CVX 207, CVX 221, CVX 227, CVX 228, CVX 229, CVX 230, CVX 519), and all shot(s) (if any) on or after 9/12/23 are a Moderna vaccine (CVX 207, CVX 221, CVX 227, CVX 228, CVX 229, CVX 230, CVX 311, CVX 312, CVX 519), then the Sept 2023 Moderna COVID-19 Series (< 5 years) applies.
      • if all the prior season doses (if any) are a Pfizer vaccine (CVX 208, CVX 217, CVX 218, CVX 219, CVX 300, CVX 301, CVX 302, CVX 520), and all shot(s) (if any) on or after 9/12/23 are a Pfizer vaccine (CVX 208, CVX 217, CVX 218, CVX 219, CVX 300, CVX 301, CVX 302, CVX 308, CVX 309, CVX 310, CVX 520), then the Sept 2023 Pfizer COVID-19 Series (< 5 years) applies.
      • if neither of the above two conditions is true, then the Sept 2023 Mixed Product COVID-19 Series (< 5 years) applies.
  • If the above is not true (I.e., a < 5 years series does not apply), to determine if the Novavax or >= 5 years series applies:    
    • if the patient has >= 1 dose of Novavax COVID-19 vaccine (CVX 211, CVX 313) on or after 9/12/23, and no prior COVID-19 doses on record before 9/12/2023, then the Sept 2023 Novavax Series applies.
    • if the above condition is not true, then the Sept 2023 COVID-19 Series (>= 5 years) applies.
  • If a series selected via one of the above conditions is not complete but another series is complete, select the complete series.
  • If a series selected via one of the above conditions is complete but another series is also complete at an earlier date, select the series that completed at the earlier date.

Immunization Series: Sept 2023 COVID-19 Series  (>= 5 years)

Vaccine Dose Parameters - Minimum and Routine Ages

DoseSeries NameAbsolute Minimum AgeMinimum AgeRoutine AgeLatest Recommended Age (less than)Valid CVX Code(s) per Dose for this Series

Sept 2023 COVID-19 Series (>= 5 years)

5 years5 years5 yearsN/A

213, 309, 310, 311, 312

313 if administered >= 10/4/2023

Series Special Rules

  • If the patient has >= 1 COVID-19 shot(s) on record prior to target dose 1, evaluate and recommend using the following intervals from the last shot, unless the shot has been ignored (due to the CVX Code Absolute Maximum Age rule or due to an inadvertent bivalent shot administered in the previous season):  
    • Absolute Minimum Interval = 8 weeks - 4 days
    • Minimum Interval = 8 weeks
    • Recommended Interval = 8 weeks
  • If the patient is >= 5 years of age as of the evaluation date, and the (8 week) elapsed interval from the prior shot is < the date on which the patient turns age 5 years, the recommendation date is 8 weeks after the last shot administered (and not age 5 years).
  • If a CVX 313 is the only dose on record, the series is not complete. Absolute minimum interval to a mRNA CVX (CVX 213, CVX 309, CVX 310, CVX 311, CVX 312) = 8 weeks - 4 days.
  • If a dose of CVX 211 is administered in this season (i.e., between 9/12/23 and 10/3/23), evaluate as Accepted with reason code VACCINE_NOT_PART_OF_THIS_SERIES. Absolute minimum interval = 8 weeks - 4 days.

Immunization Series: Sept 2023 Pfizer COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)

Vaccine Dose Parameters - Minimum and Routine Ages 


Series Name

Absolute Minimum

Minimum Age


Latest Recommended Age (less than)

Absolute Maximum AgeValid CVX Code(s) per Dose for this Series


Sept 2023 Pfizer COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)

6 months - 4 days

6 months

6 months

N/A5 years - 1 day

308, 309, 310


Sept 2023 Pfizer COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)

6 months - 4 days

6 months

6 months

N/AN/A308, 309, 310
3Sept 2023 Pfizer COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)6 months - 4 days6 months6 monthsN/AN/A308, 309, 310

Vaccine Dose Parameters - Minimum and Recommended Intervals


Series Name

Absolute Minimum Interval

Minimum Interval

Recommended Interval

Latest Recommended Interval (less than)

Dose 1 to 2

Sept 2023 Pfizer COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)

17 days

21 days

21 days

8 weeks
Dose 2 to 3Sept 2023 Pfizer COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)8 weeks - 4 days8 weeks8 weeksN/A

Series Special Rules

CVX Code Absolute Maximum Age

  • There is no absolute maximum age for CVX 308 for doses 2 and 3.

Skip Dose Rules 

  • Target Dose 1
    • If the patient has 1 dose of any of the following prior Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines (CVX 208, CVX 217, CVX 218, CVX 219, CVX 300, CVX 301, CVX 302, or CVX 520) administered prior to 9/12/2023, target dose 1 is not needed. Skip to target dose 2.
      • Absolute minimum interval = 17 days 
      • Minimum interval = 21 days
      • Recommended interval = 21 days
      • Latest recommended interval (less than) = N/A
  • Target Dose 1 and Target Dose 2
    • If the patient has >= 2 doses of any of the following prior Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines (CVX 208, CVX 217, CVX 218, CVX 219, CVX 300, CVX 301, CVX 302, CVX 520) administered prior to 9/12/2023, target dose 1 and target dose 2 are not needed. Skip to target dose 3.
      • Absolute minimum interval = 8 weeks - 4 days
      • Minimum interval = 8 weeks
      • Recommended interval = 8 weeks
      • Latest recommended interval (less than) = N/A

Intervals From COVID-19 Shots Administered Prior to 9/12/2023

  • If the patient has >= 1 (invalid) COVID-19 shot(s) administered prior to 9/12/2023, but no doses on record, the intervals from the last shot, if prior to 9/12/2023, are:
    • Absolute Minimum Interval = 8 weeks - 4 days
    • Minimum Interval = 8 weeks  
    • Recommended Interval = 8 weeks  

Series Completion Rules

  • If the patient has 1 dose of updated Sept 2023 Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine intended for patients age >= 5 years (CVX 309 or CVX 310) at age >= 5 years, then the series is complete. 

Immunization Series: Sept 2023 Moderna COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)

Vaccine Dose Parameters - Minimum and Routine Ages 


Series Name

Absolute Minimum

Minimum Age


Latest Recommended Age (less than)Absolute Maximum AgeValid CVX Code(s) per Dose for this Series


Sept 2023 Moderna COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)

6 months - 4 days

6 months6 monthsN/A5 years - 1 day

311, 312


Sept 2023 Moderna COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)

6 months - 4 days

6 months

6 months


311, 312

Vaccine Dose Parameters - Minimum and Recommended Intervals


Series Name

Absolute Minimum Interval

Minimum Interval

Recommended Interval

Latest Recommended Interval (less than)

Dose 1 to 2

Sept 2023 Moderna COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)

24 days

28 days

28 days

8 weeks

Series Special Rules

Skip Dose Rules 

  • Target Dose 1
    • If the patient has 1 dose of any of the following prior Moderna COVID-19 vaccines (CVX 207, CVX 221, CVX 227, CVX 228, CVX 229, CVX 230, CVX 519) administered before 9/12/2023, target dose 1 is not needed. Skip to target dose 2. 
      • Absolute minimum interval = 24 days
      • Minimum interval = 28 days
      • Recommended interval = 28 days
      • Latest recommended interval (less than) = N/A 
    • If the patient has >= 2 doses of any of the following prior Moderna COVID-19 vaccines (CVX 207, CVX 221, CVX 227, CVX 228, CVX 229, CVX 230, CVX 519) administered before 9/12/2023, target dose 1 is not needed. Skip to target dose 2. 
      • Absolute minimum interval = 8 weeks - 4 days
      • Minimum interval = 8 weeks 
      • Recommended interval = 8 weeks 

Intervals From COVID-19 Shots Administered Prior to 9/12/2023

  • If the patient has >= 1 (invalid) COVID-19 shot(s) administered prior to 9/12/2023, but no doses on record, the intervals from the last shot, if prior to 9/12/2023, are:
    • Absolute Minimum Interval = 8 weeks - 4 days
    • Minimum Interval = 8 weeks  
    • Recommended Interval = 8 weeks 

Immunization Series: Sept 2023 Mixed Product COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)

Vaccine Dose Parameters - Minimum and Routine Ages 


Series Name

Absolute Minimum

Minimum Age


Latest Recommended Age (less than)

Absolute Maximum AgeValid CVX Code(s) per Dose for this Series


Sept 2023 Mixed Product COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)

6 months - 4 days

6 months

6 months

N/A5 years - 1 day

213, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312

313 if administered >= 10/4/2023

2Sept 2023 Mixed Product COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)6 months - 4 days6 months6 monthsN/AN/A

213, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312

313 if administered >= 10/4/2023

3Sept 2023 Mixed Product COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)6 months - 4 days6 months6 monthsN/AN/A

213, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312

313 if administered >= 10/4/2023

Vaccine Dose Parameters - Minimum and Recommended Intervals


Series Name

Absolute Minimum Interval

Minimum Interval

Recommended Interval

Latest Recommended Interval (less than)

Dose 1 to 2

Sept 2023 Mixed Product COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)

24 days

28 days

28 days

8 weeks
Dose 2 to 3Sept 2023 Mixed Product COVID-19 Series (< 5 years)8 weeks - 4 days8 weeks8 weeksN/A

Series Special Rules

CVX Code Absolute Maximum Age

  • There is no absolute maximum age for CVX 308 for doses 2 and 3.

Skip Dose Rules 

  • Target Dose 1 
    • If the patient has 1 dose of prior COVID-19 vaccine (CVX 207, CVX 208, CVX 210, CVX 211, CVX 212, CVX 213, CVX 217, CVX 218, CVX 219, CVX 221, CVX 227, CVX 228, CVX 229, CVX 230, CVX 300, CVX 301, CVX 302, CVX 502, CVX 510, CVX 511, CVX 519, or CVX 520) administered prior to 9/12/2023, target dose 1 is not needed. Skip to target dose 2.
      • Absolute minimum interval = 24 days
      • Minimum interval = 28 days
      • Recommended interval = 28 days
      • Latest recommended interval (less than) = N/A
  • Target Dose 1 and Target Dose 2
    • If the patient has >= 2 doses of prior COVID-19 vaccine (CVX 207, CVX 208, CVX 210, CVX 211, CVX 212, CVX 213, CVX 217, CVX 218, CVX 219, CVX 221, CVX 227, CVX 228, CVX 229, CVX 230, CVX 300, CVX 301, CVX 302, CVX 502, CVX 510, CVX 511, CVX 519, or CVX 520) administered prior to 9/12/2023, target dose 1 and target dose 2 are not needed. Skip to target dose 3.
      • Absolute minimum interval = 8 weeks - 4 days
      • Minimum interval = 8 weeks
      • Recommended interval = 8 weeks
      • Latest recommended interval (less than) = N/A

Intervals From COVID-19 Shots Administered Prior to 9/12/2023

  • If the patient has >= 1 (invalid) COVID-19 shot(s) administered prior to 9/12/2023, but no doses on record, the intervals from the last shot, if prior to 9/12/2023, are: 
    • Absolute Minimum Interval = 8 weeks - 4 days
    • Minimum Interval = 8 weeks
    • Recommended Interval = 8 weeks

Intervals from Updated Novavax Vaccine  

  • If CVX 313 is administered as target dose 1 or target dose 2, intervals from the CVX 313 shot to the next target dose are: 
    • Absolute Minimum Interval = 17 days 
    • Minimum Interval = 8 weeks
    • Recommended Interval = 8 weeks

Series Completion Rules 

  • If the patient has 1 dose of updated Pfizer or Moderna Sept 2023 COVID-19 vaccine intended for patients age >= 5 years (CVX 309, CVX 310, CVX 311, or CVX 312) at age >= 5 years, then the series is complete. 
  • If the patient has >= 1 dose of COVID-19 vaccine at age < 5 years and has 1 dose of updated Novavax Sept 2023 COVID-19 vaccine (CVX 313) at age >= 5 years, then the series is complete.
  • If the patient has 2 doses of CVX 313, the series is complete. 

Immunization Series: Sept 2023 Novavax COVID-19 Series

Vaccine Dose Parameters - Minimum and Routine Ages 


Series Name

Absolute Minimum

Minimum Age


Latest Recommended Age (less than)Valid CVX Code(s) per Dose for this Series


Sept 2023 Novavax COVID-19 Series

5 years, if CVX 313 is administered for dose 1

12 years - 4 days, if CVX 211 is administered for dose 1

12 years12 yearsN/A

211, if administered < 10/4/2023

313, if administered >= 10/4/2023


Sept 2023 Novavax COVID-19 Series

5 years

12 years

12 years


211, if administered < 10/4/2023

313, if administered >= 10/4/2023

Vaccine Dose Parameters - Minimum and Recommended Intervals


Series Name

Absolute Minimum Interval

Minimum Interval

Recommended Interval

Latest Recommended Interval (less than)

Dose 1 to 2

Sept 2023 Novavax COVID-19 Series

17 days

21 days

21 days

8 weeks

Series Special Rules

  • If the patient has 2 doses of CVX 211 on or after 9/12/2023, but no doses of CVX 313, evaluate and recommend using the following intervals from the last shot: 
    • Absolute Minimum Interval = 8 weeks - 4 days 
    • Minimum Interval = 8 weeks
    • Recommended Interval = 8 weeks
  • If a dose of CVX 313 is administered between age >= 5 years and < 12 years - 4 days, and the patient has no other valid doses on record, then the following evaluation and recommendation parameters apply: 
    • Absolute Minimum Interval = 17 days
    • Minimum Age = 5 years 
    • Minimum Interval = 8 weeks
    • Recommended Interval = 8 weeks

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