Try ICE by Using the "ICE Client" App

A simple application, called "ICE Client", has been created and made freely available so that anyone can submit sample patient data to the ICE Web Service and see the evaluations and recommendations that the ICE Web Service returns.

Accessing the ICE Client App 

Use the ICE Client App in your web-browser.

Purpose of the ICE Client App

Although this ICE Client application is available to the general public (including patients, parents, and providers), the primary purpose of this simple app is to make it easier for the owners and implementors of health information systems to test and/or integrate with the ICE Web Service. It is anticipated that ICE integrators will find this application useful because in addition to viewing the information in a human-readable user-friendly format, users may also run the app in "Debug" mode which will show the user both the raw input vMR that was generated by this simple application based on whatever patient data the user had entered, and the raw vMR output that was returned by the underlying ICE Web Service.

Tips for Using the ICE Client App

  • To create a new patient manually, click the Add Patient button.
  • If you have a vMR that you want to test with, you may click Import Patient button and upload it.
  • Any patient data that the user enters or imports will reside locally on their machine. (It will not be transmitted unless/until the user clicks the icon to ICE the patient, and the ICE Web Service will not store a record of the patient data).
  • Users may edit a patient by clicking the pencil icon on the right.
  • Don't forget that you may edit the Evaluation Date which determines the date for which ICE will calculate the evaluations and recommendations whenever the user submits that patient to the ICE Web Service. 
  • To run a patient through ICE and see the results, click the last icon on the far right. It will securely invoke the ICE Web Service on one of HLN's servers and then display the patient's data as well as the results returned by the ICE Web Service. If you are running in Debug mode, it will also display the input and output vMRs.
  • To turn Debug mode on/off, click on the Settings button, toggle the on/off switch to the desired mode, and then click the Save button.

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