Evaluation and Recommendation Codes

Evaluation and Recommendation Codes

Table of Contents

The evaluation codes and corresponding reasons as well as the recommendation codes and corresponding reasons listed in the tables below are utilized in the vaccine series rules documented on the wiki. 


Evaluation Codes

Evaluation Status Codes





Evaluation Reason Codes and Text

Evaluation Reason Code

Evaluation Reason Text 


This immunization contains insufficient antigen for the patient's age.


This immunization was recorded prior to the date of birth.


This immunization was administered below the minimum interval for this dose.


This immunization was administered below the minimum age for this dose.

BELOW_MINIMUM_AGE_FINAL_DOSEThis immunization was administered below the minimum age for the final dose.
BELOW_MINIMUM_AGE_VACCINEThis immunization was administered below the minimum age for this vaccine.
ABOVE_MAXIMUM_AGE_VACCINEThis immunization was administered above the maximum age for this vaccine.1


This immunization was administered below the minimum interval between live vaccine doses.


The vaccine administered is invalid; valid only as a booster dose.

OUTSIDE_SEASONThis immunization was administered outside of the vaccine season.1
OUTSIDE_FLU_VAC_SEASONThis immunization was administered outside of the influenza vaccine season.
DUPLICATE_SAME_DAYThis immunization is a duplicate shot.


The vaccine administered is not allowed for this dose.1
VACCINE_NOT_ALLOWEDThe vaccine administered is not allowed.1
D_AND_T_INVALID/P_VALID The diphtheria and tetanus components are invalid due to minimum interval violation, pertussis component is valid.


This immunization was administered as an extra dose.


This immunization was administered after proof of immunity.

DISEASE_DOCUMENTEDThis immunization was administered after the disease was documented.
ABOVE_REC_AGE_SERIESThis immunization was administered above the recommended age for this series.
BELOW_REC_AGE_SERIESThis immunization was administered below the recommended age for this series.


The vaccine administered is not supported by the ICE service.

MISSING_ANTIGENThe immunization administered is missing an antigen.
VACCINE_NOT_LICENSED_FOR_MALESThe vaccine administered is not licensed for males. 
VACCINE_NOT_COUNTED_BASED_ON_MOST_RECENT_VACCINE_GIVEN The vaccine will not be counted based on the most recent vaccine given. (Most recent vaccine given determines which series is applied.)
VACCINE_NOT_PART_OF_THIS_SERIESThe vaccine is not a part of this series, therefore it will not be counted towards completion of this series. 
SELECT_ADJUVANT_PRODUCT_INTERVALThis immunization was administered below the minimum interval between adjuvant products.
DOSE_OVERRIDE_INVALIDThis immunization was marked Invalid as instructed by the user.
DOSE_OVERRIDE_VALIDThis immunization was marked Valid as instructed by the user.
CLINICAL_PATIENT_DISCRETIONClinical, Patient Discretion.
OUTSIDE_SERIESThis immunization was administered outside of the series.
OUTSIDE_ROUTINE_SERIESThis immunization was administered outside of the routine series.
SUPPLEMENTAL_TEXTSupplemental text is available for this evaluation.1
VACCINE_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_USThe vaccine is not allowed in the U.S.
VACCINE_NOT_APPROVED_IN_USThe vaccine is not approved for use in the U.S. 
VACCINE_NOT_APPROVED_IN_US_OR_BY_WHOThe vaccine is not approved for use in the U.S. or by the WHO. 
VACCINE_NOT_YET_AVAILABLE_ON_DATE_SPECIFIEDThe vaccine was not yet available on the date specified for when it was administered.

1These codes are not being used in the current set of default ICE rules documented on this wiki.


Recommendation Codes

Recommendation Status Codes






Recommendation Reason Codes and Text

Recommendation Reason Code

Recommendation Reason Text 

BOOSTER_DOSEBooster dose


Due now.


Due on <date due>.

ABOVE_AGE_MAY_COMPLETE Above recommended age but may complete series.1


Recommended for high-risk groups.


Completed vaccine series.


Disease documented.


Proof of Immunity.


Vaccine not recommended at this age.


Vaccine not generally recommended at this age, unless high risk.1

TOO_OLD_TO_INITIATEVaccine not recommended at this age; too old to initiate.
COMPLETE_HIGH_RISKSeries complete, unless high risk.
VAC_GROUP_NO_LONGER_RECThis vaccine group is no longer recommended.


The shots in the recommendation group were not evaluated.

BELOW_MINIMUM_AGE_HIGH_RISK_SERIESBelow minimum age for this high risk series. 
OTHER_VACCINE_PRODUCT_POSSIBLEIn addition to the vaccine product recommended, there are other vaccine products possible.
SUPPLEMENTAL_TEXTSupplemental text is available for this recommendation.
ADMINISTER_PCV15_OR_PCV20Administer either PCV15 or PCV20 for the next target dose. 
ADMINISTER_mRNA_VACCINEAdminister mRNA vaccine for the next target dose. 
ADMINISTER_COVID19_BIVALENT_VACCINEAdminister COVID-19 bivalent vaccine for the next target dose. 
ADMINISTER_COVID19_mRNA_VACCINEAdminister COVID-19 mRNA vaccine for the next target dose.2
ADMINISTER_TDAP_OR_TDAdminister either Tdap or Td for the next target dose.

1These codes are not being used in the current set of default ICE rules documented on this wiki.

2This code will not be used moving forward. ADMINISTER_mRNA_VACCINE will be used instead. 

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