Default Immunization Schedule

Default Immunization Schedule

The information below and accompanying pages detail the business logic of the Default Immunization Schedule.

About the Default Immunization Schedule

Although the ICE Web Service and ICE plugin can support multiple immunization schedules, ICE is configured with an initial default schedule that includes all routine immunizations for children, adolescents, and adults. These rules determine how ICE evaluates the validity of a patient's immunization history and determines the recommendations for additional immunizations.

This default immunization schedule, which is based on Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations and informed by the work of the CDC's CDSi project, is the result of a collaborative effort by immunization and information technology experts from the New York City, Alabama, California, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and HLN Consulting, LLC. This group of subject matter experts meets on a regular basis to document the default immunization schedule rules and create the corresponding test cases.

Try ICE on a Patient Now...

HLN has created a simple application, called "ICE Client", and made it freely available so that anyone can submit sample patient data to the ICE Web Service and see the evaluations and recommendations that the ICE Web Service returns. (Try the web-based ICE Client). This ICE Client connects to an instance of the ICE Web Service that is hosted by HLN and is configured with the Default Immunization Schedule that is documented on this wiki page.

To integrate the ICE Web Service with your own client application (such as an electronic health record system, patient portal, health information exchange, immunization information system, or school health system), see the information on the ICE Installation page.


GlossaryThe Glossary contains terms and concepts that may require additional clarification in order to understand the default ICE rules. Standard immunization evaluation and forecasting terms and concepts, e.g., vaccine, series, recommended interval, etc., are not listed in the Glossary.
General RulesThis page contains general rules that apply to all vaccine groups. If there is an exception, a reference will be provided to the vaccine group that does not follow the general rule.
Vaccine Group Rules

Evaluation and forecasting rules specific to a vaccine group are documented on the following pages:

Evaluation and Recommendation Codes

The evaluation codes and corresponding reasons as well as the recommendation codes and corresponding reasons listed in the tables on this page are utilized in the vaccine series rules.

Any questions email: ice@cdsframework.org

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